

1. accept v.接受,承兑 acceptable adj.可接受的 We cannot accept your offer, the price is too high. 我们不能接受你的报盘;价格太高了。

The offer is not acceptable to them.



2. accordingly adv.因此,于是,所以(在句首或句中);按要求办(在句尾) Accordingly, we have to ask you to extend your offer 3 days. 因此我们不得不请求你将报盘延期三天。

3. account n..帐,账目,账户;理由,原因;考虑 for the account of出或收某人的帐

for one’s account 由某人支付 We bought the goods for the account of Messers. Peterson & Co. 这货是我们代彼得森公司购买的。


4. account v.解释,说明;占(多少百分比)后接介词for Rubber accounts for 70% of their exports. 橡胶占他们的出口货的70%。

5. advance n.v.预付,垫款;事先;上涨 Please do your best to advance shipment. 请尽最大努力提前装船。

6. affiliate n.分支机构,联号 We have affiliates in all European markets. 我们在所有欧洲市场都有分支机构。

7. agency n..代理 The company has agencies in all parts of Africa. 本公司在非洲各地有代理。

8. appreciate v.涨价;感谢appreciation n.感谢,感激 The price has appreciated. 价格已涨。

We wish to express our appreciation of your efforts to push the business. 感激即予办理。

9. available a.可利用的,可得到的(做定语时,前置后置均可,以后置为普遍) This is the only stock available. 这是唯一可供之货。

10. award n.判决,裁决v.判给,裁决 The award of the arbitration is in favour of sellers. 仲裁的裁决对卖方有利。The arbitrators awarded the sellers 500 dollars as damages. 仲裁人裁定赔偿卖方500英镑。

11. balance n.差额,余额 We will draw on you for the balance of RMB 75. 我方将向你方出票支取余数人民币75元。

12. bear v.负担 Extra expenses are to be borne by you. 额外费用将由你方负担。

bear out 证实

bear on(upon)和……有关,对……有影响

13. beneficiary n.受益人 The beneficiary of the L/C is to be China National Light Industrial Products Import & Export Corporation, Nanjing. 信用证的受益人将是南京中国国家轻工业产品进出口公司。

14. benefit n.年薪,养老金,保险赔偿费 He receives 50 dollars a week as unemployment benefit. 他每周由50美元的失业金。

15. book n.账册,记录 We are glad that we have put the business to book. 我们很高兴我们达成了这笔交易。put to book 登记入账=达成交易

book v.把……记载入册;预定 book with you从你方买进;book your order for…卖给你方

16. business n.商号;事情(可数名词) There are many business in this town, engaged in the trade. 在这个城市中,许多商号从事这一工作。

17. call n.停靠;需要 For this steamer, Livepool is not aport of call. 利物浦不是这条船的中途停靠口岸。call(at)ph v.停靠call(for)ph要求,需要

18. capacity n.容量;能力,生产能力 The capacity of the vessel is…..tons. 此船载重量为……吨。

19. charge v.n.收费;把……记入账册;指控,控告 You may charge us the expenses incurred. 所需费用可向我们索取。

20. claim n.索赔;收汇 We have not be enable to collect on your L/C no.64. 我们对你的第64号信用证未能收汇。

21. collect v.收集;索取collection n.托收;托收款 We are collecting this material at the point of origin. 我们正在产地收集此货。

22. commitment n.所承诺的事,所承担的责任 We have too many commitments to allow us to take on new orders. 由于卖货太多,不容许我们接受新的订货。

23. concern n.商号,公司 We hope business will develop rapidly between our two concerns. 我们希望你我两家的业务将迅速发展。 as concerns=as to concerned adj.有关的(一般放在所修饰的名词后面)

24. confirm v.确认,证实,一般用在外贸书信的开头,表示证实自己的去信或收到对方的来信We confirm receipt of your cable of the 5th.你5日来电收悉。

25. consign v.运送,寄售 We cannot agree to consign the goods. 我们不同意寄售此货。

26. cover v.保险,投保 We shall cover the goods against all risks. 我们将投保货物综合险。

coverage n.保险范围,保险总额,通货发行准备金 We want broader coverage to include some extraneous risks. 我们要较广范围的保险包括一些特殊险项。 covering(cover的现在分词,包括……的,涉及……的,有关……的 We shall appreciate samples covering your offer. 请寄报盘的样品。

27. credit n.v.贷方,支方,赊卖,信用;记入待付 We have placed the sum to your credit. 我们已将这笔金额记入你们的贷方。

28. deliver v.交货 delivery n.交付,交货 The quantity to be delivered each month must not be less than 50 metric tons. 每月应交货的数量不得少于50公吨。When we made delivery, the goods were in perfect condition. 我们交货时,货物完好无损。

29. discount n./v.折扣,贴现;打折扣 The highest discount we can allow on this article is 10%。我们对这项商品最多只能达9折。

30. dishonor v.拒绝支付 We are informed by the Bank of China that our draft for DM785 on clean collection has been dishonored. 接中国银行通知,我们的785德国马克托收光票被拒付了。

31. draw v.开出(汇票) draw a draft on s’for 向某人索取若干金额之汇票 We have drawn a clean draft on you for the balance of $100. 我们已开出光票向你索取该项余额100英镑。

32. due a.到期的,应付的,适当的 due to由于 This remittance is in payment to fall commissions due(to)you up to date. 这笔汇款是付迄今为止欠你方的各项佣金。

33. dumping n.倾销 Prices have down slide dowing to dumping operations. 由于倾销活动,价格下跌了。

34. endorse v.背书;批准;赞同 The quality of this product has been widely endorsed. 这种产品的质量已经得到广泛赞许。 endorsement n.背书;赞同;变更保险范围的条款 Our products have met with wide endorsement. 我们的产品已经得到广泛的赞许。

35. engage v.答应,保证;从事于,忙于(后常接in) We are engaged in both export and import business. 我们从事进出口业务。engagement n.约束,保证 We cannot enter into new engagements. 我们不能再接受新约。

36. establish v.建立;开立;使立足于 The relevant L/C has already been established. 有关的信用证已经开出。

37. execute v.执行(订单) All your orders booked up to date have been executed. 你方迄今所订货物均已交付。

38. expire v.期满 The L/C expires on November 30. 信用证于11月30日期满。

39. favor n./v欢迎,赞许;有利于 The opportunity does not favor our making a binding arrangement. 这一机会不便于我们做出一项有约束性的安排。 in sb’s favor(in favor of sb)以……为受益人,以……为抬头,对……有利 The letter of credit has been opened in your favor. 信用证已开给你方名下。

40. firm a.确定的,有效的 The offer is firm (for) 3 days. 此报盘有效期为3天。 combined offer搭配报盘 counter-offer还盘 firm offer实盘 lump offer综合报盘

41. gain n./v利益,盈余,利润;(价格)上涨;获得;赢得 Gain sand losses are common in business. 赔赚是做生意的常事。

42. goods n.货物,永远用复数形式,不能和数词连用 We cannot offer you these goods at present. 目前我们不能向你报此货。

43. grant v.答应,准许给予 It is difficult to grant your request. 你方的要求难于照办。

44. grant n./v赠款,专用拨款;给予 The government has allocated grants to the project. 政府给该项目拨款。

45. gross n.罗=12打(复数不变)adj.毛的,总的;显著的 Please offer us 500 gross. 请报来500罗。

46. guarantee n.担保;保证 v.担保,保证 We cannot accept their guarantee. 我们不能接受他们的担保。

It is not possible for us to guarantee the time of arrival. 我们不可能保证到达的时间。

47. handsome adj.相当大的,可观的。 He received quite a handsome sum of money as gift. 他收到一笔相当可观的礼金。

48. honor v.照付;履行 We always honor our promise(contract, commitments). 我们总是履行我们的诺言(合约,承担义务)的。

49. installment n.分期付款 How many installments did it take to pay off the loan? 此货款将分几次付清?

50. insurance n.保险 insure v.保险,投保 insurer n.保险人,承保人 We have covered insurance on the 100 metric tons of wool for 10% of the invoice value against all risks. 我们已将羊毛100公吨按发票金额加10%保一切险。

51. issue v.发出 We have arranged with our bankers to issue an L/C in your favour. 我们已和我方银行办妥向你开出信用证的手续。

52. item n.外贸中常用做“货物”,做“项目”解 There are several items of commission not yet paid. 有几笔佣金尚未付清。

53. keen adj.渴望的,对……有兴趣 Competition is very keen. 竞争激烈。

54. line n.行业,(一类)货色 This is a good line of hardware. 这是金属器皿中的一种好货。

55. market n.市场 v.在市场上销售 in the market要买或者要卖 Please cable us as soon as you are in the market. 一旦你方要买或者要卖时请来电。 think market引人思索的市场 market在市场上销售

56. merit n.功绩;优点;是非曲直v. Compact packing has much merit(many merits). 紧密的包装由许多优点。This business is not important enough to merit special efforts. 这笔交易无关紧要,不值得特别努力。

57. monopoly n.垄断 They are trying to make a monopoly of this commodity. 他们正在设法垄断这一商品。

58. necessity n.必需,必要 We do not see the necessity of sending any goods on consignment.我们认为没有必要发货寄售。

59. oblige v.答应请求;迫使;使感谢 We are sorry we cannot oblige you in is respect. 很抱歉,我们在这方面不能答应你方的要求。

60. offer n./v报盘,发盘,报价,开价 Please make/send/give cable us an offer CIF London for(or on) 20 metric tons BrownCashmere. 请给我们一个20吨紫山羊羝伦敦到岸价格的报盘。


