2. 申请注册的商标与在先注册商标相同或近似,或指定的商品或服务相同或近似而造成公众联想的。
German trademark applicant subject qualification :
Any natural or legal person may apply for a registered trademark. Applicants who do not have a place of business in Germany can apply for trademark protection in Germany according to law only if they accept German trademarks in the country where they have a place of business and give the same treatment as their own trademarks. In addition, the German Patent Office can also require foreign equipment applicants to provide a certificate that has been submitted and obtained equipment registration in the country where they have a business place. But this requirement will be based on the principle of reciprocity. Except as otherwise provided in international conventions, Germany is not permitted to approve applications for registration of trademarks that do not meet the statutory requirements.
Documents required for application :
1. Trademark pattern.
2. List of goods and services.
3. Foreign applicants are also required to provide a copy of the trademark registration certificate of the State of origin, which is not required to certify reciprocal national citizens who grant German citizenship privileges.
Review process : Patent Office will strictly review the form of application documents and whether the trademark is registered. However, the existence of the same or similar registration or application prior to the trademark is not examined. After examining the registration of trademarks, trademark announcements are published for registered trademarks. Within 3 months of the notice, any presiding officer of the same or similar trade mark or prior
All applicants may raise objections and the Patent Office shall make a ruling.
The following cases will not be registered :
1.The trademark applied for registration is the same as the prior registered trademark, or the specified goods or services.
2.The trademark applied for registration is the same or similar to the prior registered trademark, or the specified goods or services are the same or similar to cause public association.
3. The unfair use of a registered trademark without lawful grounds would damage the visibility and visibility of a well-known trademark if it applies for the same or similar trademark in different categories of goods or services as a well-known trademark previously registered.